We all want to look our best and at Wellwood, we’re here to give you the perfect smile.

We’ll keep your teeth clean and healthy and our dental treatments can fix any problems you might have. When you book an appointment, you’ll also get a full consultation so that we can talk you through the treatment and make sure that it’s right for you.  

Here are just a few of the things that we can help with.



Think of this as a regular MOT for your mouth. If you’re brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly, you’ve made a good start. If you really want to look after your teeth and gums, you’ll need to visit your dentist at regular intervals so that we can check for any signs of tooth decay or gum disease. When you have a check-up with us, we’ll provide a thorough examination of your mouth including an oral cancer screening, and if necessary, we can offer additional services such as radiographs and 3D scans of your teeth.

Hygienist services

As well as frequent check-ups, we recommend that you see your hygienist on a regular basis. We can help you keep your teeth and gums clean and remove any build-up of plaque and tartar from hard to reach places  – and we offer much more than just a scale and polish. Try a deep cleaning treatment for your gums or a diamond polish for squeaky clean teeth – and whatever the treatment, we promise that your mouth will feel like a million dollars.



In an ideal world, we wouldn’t do fillings. Sadly, our teeth aren’t invincible and one day we may need a filling to repair cavities or broken and decaying teeth. Fear not though: we can fix your tooth quickly and comfortably and even find a matching shade, plus all of our fillings and crowns are free from metal.


When a tooth is weak, chipped or broken, a filling might not be enough to fix it. We can design a perfect-fitting crown to act as a protective covering for your tooth and give you a natural-looking smile, so you’ll soon be flashing those pearly whites again.


Tooth Whitening

Tea, coffee, red wine – whatever your poison, it can leave you with discoloured teeth. To feel all bright again, you can use one of our professional whitening treatments, which are quick, affordable and guaranteed to keep you smiling.

Dental Implants

Damaged or missing teeth are never a good look but dental implants look, act and feel like the real thing and work better than traditional dentures. And no one will know that you’ve had a dental implant because we’ll match the exact colour and size of your other teeth.


Tooth grinding

If you’re suffering from unexplained headaches or migraines and jaw pain, you could be grinding your teeth at night. Unsurprisingly, it’s often caused by stress and it can also cause long-term damage to your teeth. If it’s bothering you, we can fit you with a dental splint to solve the problem. We also offer botulinum toxin therapy to manage your tooth grinding.

Root canal treatment

When a nerve inside a tooth is damaged (often through decay, or sometimes after a bump or fall), it can be very painful. Luckily for you, we can use the latest root canal treatment to treat the infection and turn that frown upside down.


Orthodontics (teeth straightening)

Getting a straighter smile is easier than ever thanks to the range of orthodontic treatments available. Modern braces are super subtle and can give brilliant results in mere months, so say goodbye to train tracks and hello to hella good teeth. Book a free consultation to find out how we can help.


If you want to fix chipped, discoloured, crowded or uneven teeth, dental veneers might be the answer. These ultra-thin caps fit comfortably onto your teeth to protect them from further damage and come in lots of different colours and styles to match and give you a brilliant new smile.  



Damaged or missing teeth can really knock your confidence but dentures will get you smiling again. These removeable ‘teeth’ fit over your gums and are so comfortable and natural-looking that no one will ever know that you’re wearing them.

Tooth removal

Sadly, not all teeth can’t be fixed. This usually happens when a tooth is too broken down or fractured, and sometimes when wisdom teeth cause infection, pain or overcrowding. If we have to remove a tooth, we’ll do everything that we can to make this a stress-free and comfortable experience for you – and if you’re scared, we’ll even hold your hand.



Little ones constantly need to be reminded to brush their teeth, but it’s worth the hassle. We’ll teach your kids how to keep their teeth strong and healthy with regular check-ups to keep cavities at bay. Our dental appointments are as fun and stress-free as possible to keep you and your kids happy.